Curious about Reiki

I love Reiki, it has been without doubt the most positive thing I have ever brought into my life. From the very first Reiki session something changed and it has kept positively changing ever since then. Reiki changes lives in positive ways, it helps us to grow as more conscious and compassionate human beings. Even one Reiki session can change things, but it is the attunements that really changed things for me. I wasn’t always aware of it at the time, as these things can take time to integrate, but any attunement was soon followed by a significant change in my life.

Recently I have been furthering my Reiki studies and was reminded of the manner in which the natural intelligence of the Reiki energy connects us to those with whom we need to connect and invites in often mind-blowing synchronicities and coincidence. There’s been a Bengal theme since deepening my studies, random encounters with Bengal cats and a particularly random meeting with a previously unknown Reiki attuned Bengal cat owner at 6am on the Spring equinox in one of our local dolmens aligned to the spring equinox sunrise. 

This after a strange old week of other coincidental stuff occurring, like me buying Elijah a large Pooh Bear fluffy toy from the local hospice shop and days later the Reiki guide, producing the exact same Pooh Bear in one of her videos! Too much of a coincidence to be ignored! This is the thing with Reiki though, it changes things, brings in more magic to life, helps us to see things differently, directs you on a more aligned path and heals all at the same time. 

Fire has also been a theme this week, off the back of reading the really inspiring The Children’s Forest by Mac Macartney and more work with my Ayurvedic doctor. Fire really cleanses and shifts things. We acknowledged the spring equinox with a fire at the stone circles at my folks’ house with some friends and tea, bringing more light in now as we burn up more of that we don’t now need. I’m curious to see how the energy settles the next few days, but I have a feeling we have to keep stepping up and moving into unknown territory and will be encouraged to do so too. 

Reiki helps us to let go and find new ways to be, it nourishes and calms the soul and allows us to hear it’s voice more clearly, nudging us to make changes, go somewhere different, get out of bed at silly times of the morning to see a sunrise, or stay up late to dance with the moon. It takes us into the sea, onto the earth, doing some stuff we never thought we might do. I really truly believe that everyone should have Reiki in their lives and I have a few ideas of how we might make it more accessible to you, but we’ve got offerings, treatments, attunements, online Reiki share and the forthcoming Safer Event. So if you’re tempted, heed the call, it’s time!

I’ve put together some info about Reiki below. Fortunately it is becoming more well-known and accepted these days, not quite so esoteric as it was when I discovered it back in 2004. Reiki has supported me through all my life challenges since then, and while there have been moments where it has asked me to dig deep, go to those dark places inside, it has always helped me to pop through the other side, lighter, brighter and clearer, so that I wholeheartedly welcome healing crises because as horrible as they are at the time, they are an absolutely necessary stage of our healing and evolution as conscious beings. Anyhow here you go:

What can Reiki do?
Reiki works with the energetic, physical, spiritual and emotional aspects of the individual to address imbalances on all levels. The reason you may wish to experience a Reiki session include:

  • General balancing

  • Clearing emotional blocks

  • Physical pain

  • Increasing clarity

  • Issues with life

  • Personal spiritual development

How is Reiki different from other therapies?

Reiki is holistic in its approach and addresses not only the symptoms an individual experiences but the root cause of the imbalance as well. Reiki helps to restore the body’s natural ability to heal and create balance.

How do I know this is right for me?

People who have a nagging feeling that something in their life or body mind is out of balance or they feel like they are struggling within themselves and their environment usually find Reiki at the perfect time for them. The fact that you are reading this blog is likely a sign that your body/mind/soul is ready for healing and to experience growth.

What exactly is Reiki energy?

The Japanese word ‘Reiki’ means ‘universal life force energy’.  It refers to an ancient hands-on healing art developed by Dr Mikao Usui in Japan in the early 1900’s for the passing of healing energy onto others and personal spiritual development. 

Eastern medicine has always recognised and worked with this energy, which flows through all living things and is vital to well-being. Known as ‘ki’ in Japan, ‘chi’ in China and ‘prana’ in India. Acupuncture, T’ai chi and Yoga are also based on the free-flow of this energy in a person.

Reiki can be likened to a free flowing river.  This river is like energy flowing easily down through the body.  Occasionally a pebble or a rock may fall into that river making the flow of water a little more difficult.  

These pebbles can be compared to human emotions such as worry, guilt, sadness, fear, shame, anxiety and anger, with each pebble building one on top of the other.  Soon there is only a trickle of water running in that once free-flowing river and at this point physical pain may also be experienced.  By receiving Reiki more energy is offered to the body.  This extra energy is like a flood that washes down through our rivers removing and dissolving the obstacles in its way, such as the trapped emotions that have caused our loss of wellbeing and often kept us stuck. 

What to expect during a Reiki session

You will lie fully clothed on a bed (on the floor or a treatment couch) with the option of being covered with a blanket. You will be encouraged to relax as best you can. The practitioner will place her hands on various parts of your body and channel Reiki to you. Reiki might be experienced as heat or cold, tingling, or nothing at all! It usually induces a state of deep relaxation, which can be healing in itself. The session generally lasts one hour.