Happy Imbolc!

Today is Imbolc, the cross-quarter fire festival, half way between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. The sun is gaining height and strength and the shoots are poking through the earth, signalling new beginnings.

Topday we celebrate Brigid too, the Goddess of healing, poetry and black smithery. This is a brilliant time to lay a hand, share Reiki, allow the body its own poem, be close to the earth.

I love Imbolc, the ‘just showing pregnant belly’, beginning of lambing season, spring is here, all is coming, the earth is awakening, the energy is potent, for us too, the planting of seeds and new beginnings, what are we planting, what are we creating, we can work with the earth, the moon, the sun, the stars, the stones, it’s all here supporting.

Happy Imbolc, happy dreaming, happy planting and happy creating.

Love Emma x

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