The moon packed a punch!

Well that moon certainly packed a post-moon punch didn’t it?!

Most people I have talked to have had a really challenging week with lots of old urgh energy coming up, enough to make us question whether we have really cleared those old patterns or maybe we were just kidding ourselves!

If this resonates then don’t despair, I have a feeling it was a part of the Gemini theme - showing two sides, the shadow and the light, so that the shadow can become the light and in the process you become increasingly whole, as if reclaiming fragmented parts, those bits discarded because of the underlying feeling, which wasn’t always so pleasant so best not to look at it and pop it in the shadows, hoping it will go away.

Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. Those feelings we have stored in the shadows are what we might call Samskaras, or impressions from our past actions and they will get triggered from time to time by the external environment.

Sometimes we get so good at trying to keep the Samskaras hidden and not triggered that we will literally try and control our life and our life so that we don’t experience the triggers in the first place. It’s not that we do this consciously, just that the feeling felt so awful that we will do all we can to avoid feeling it.

This to the extent that even when triggered we will do something to distract ourselves again - maybe we eat something or drink something or go to bed or keep really busy, there are a myriad of ways that we disengage, disconnect and dissociate from our body and our reality to prevent having to feel that horrible feeling. But really this solves nothing, because if we don’t allow it to be there, if we don’t truly acknowledge and feel it then it cannot move through us and it is only ion moving through us that it holds its grip on us.

So we should be grateful then to the moon for coming in and shinning a light into the shadows so that we cannot ignore that feeling any longer. Not that its the moon per se but an external event that occurred around or over the moon that triggered your samskaras and brought them out into the open. They can be triggered by all sorts of things such as entering a place, meeting a person, reading about a situation, a particular experience, smelling something from then past etc.

Spending time with old friends I haven’t seen for years in old haunts I haven’t visited since Covid, actually brought up some lock down trauma, which until now had lain resting (or irritating) in the shadows, and the conscious me was none the wiser. It’s always heavy when our samskaras get triggered because the feeling is so unpleasant and there is no escaping it, at least not if one has committed to spiritual growth, one has to just work through it, feeling into it.

Remember our feelings, our emotions are just energy in motion, and hence need to be allowed to move through us, and not get stuck inside us. If suppressed or repressed, emotions play havoc with our heart and will find a place to get stored within the body, causing pain, tension and sometimes dis-ease.

Often there ism a correlation between the place in the body where the feeling is stored and the the feeling itself - overwhelm, responsibility burden will show up in the shoulders, fear of change in the elbows, feeling bitter will show up in the gallbladder, feeling empty in the stomach, feeling that life has lost its sweetness shows up in the pancreas, fear shows up in the kidneys, shame, unworthiness and humiliation in the pelvis, guilt in the throat, sadness, anger, grief and frustration in the heart and on the list goes.

Let us not forget too that we are not our emotions anymore than we are our thoughts, they come and go, come and go, all day long, and it is up to us which ones we give our attention. This is the reason some people err to the negative and some to the positive. Some have always just chosen a positive approach, placing more attention on happy and uplifting thoughts than on self depreciating and negative thoughts instead. It is the same with emotions, some people cling to a identify with some of them more than others and other people do a really good job of letting them flow without attaching anything to any of them.

Of course the emotion brings with it a story, which brings with it a mental imprinting such as a thought or limiting belief (all of this a part of the samskara). It is helpful then to pay attention to see what is held with the emotion, always there is a theme and without doubt, if we are open to it, then our angel, spirit and Reiki guides will be trying to get our attention, leaving oracle cards, books, coincidences in our path. Our job is to pay attention and not lose ourselves to the process but allow the process to change us, feeling the old feeling, noticing the mental imprinting and letting it flow, creating healthier samskaras in the process.

Yoga Sutra II.33 touches on this and it is recommended that deviant thought bombarding us, creating negativity, whether that be through doubt or fear etc, then we should change the perspective and focus instead on the positive. It is also recommended that at times like this we should practice yoga with the help of a teacher.

This of course because we can easily by-pass, not least spending our whole yoga practice thinking and not therefore being present to the body and preventing the union of body, mind and soul, but because we keep practising in a way we have done previously, always we should change things, even on our mat, in fact more so on our mat! A teacher won’t let us bypass, at least not knowingly.

Hopefully you have all navigated your way through but if not book for some Reiki, Reiki is amazing at helping us to understand the nature of our samskaras as they are triggered, getting to the underlying cause and source of any loss of wellbeing and helping to promote the healing process. It is in this way that we develop personally and spiritually and increasingly take responsibility for our health, wellbeing and vitality.

That moon certainly tried to move things through, lighten the heart, clear the solar plexus, strengthen the root, free the sacral, and open the throat. You might feel lighter now and clearer.

The Choice by Edith Agar is a remarkable read, not for the faint hearted in terms of the Auschwitz detail but if you can get beyond that, it is really interesting for those interested in psychology and healing and about our choices. Here’s the link to Amazon here

Enjoy the wane!

Emma x

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