The light's coming back soon!

The gemini full moon is upon us on Saturday. Exciting times! Maybe because I’ve spent the last two mornings with Elijah out and about at Saints and Petit Bot and out to the fairy ring, seeing seals and making wishes, but it feels as if we are really are offered an opportunity for new beginnings, at least if we made an ego sacrifice over this year of eclipses.

The spring eclipses set the stage, asked us to did deep into unresolved trauma that is clouding our perception and creating a reality that is out of alignment with our truth simply because of our outdated and limited thinking patterns because of holding on to said trauma!

Certainly I’ve been doing a lot of work with clients on unresolved trauma and limited core beliefs and thinking patterns these last four months especially, which has been an honour and privilege. I am forever grateful to Guernsey Mind for providing the opportunity to work so deeply with people - they offer clients eight free sessions with me, and that is quite a gift for everyone concerned, for the world as a whole because of the potential for shifting and transforming.

Its been tough time for everyone, with lots of change and grieving for ways of old, and also for the relationships dead on their knees, people forced to live through these increasingly stressful times, it’s amazing anyone’s made it through without a spiritual practice - albeit I know a few who have found solace in wine instead! And sea swimming. Thankfully we have the sea surrounding us here on Guernsey, another true gift, I couldn’t survive quite so easily without a daily dip either!

This latest eclipse cycle was really pushing us through to the other side, at least if we’ve done the work. We really needed to let go to create some space. It’s been a turbulent time, I mentioned it before that sort of in-between stage of the caterpillar and butterfly, of not knowing where you’re going to or even what you’re letting go of, but you know something is changing. The change is of course you, your mind, but you need to let go of ego along the way, some false belief or thinking pattern, some aspect of ego that ego clung to to keep you safe, but which begins to suffocate you over time, at least spiritually and certainly the heart.

Many of you will have felt your heart more lately, a big stuck wedge of pain urging you to keep moving through it, “let it go”, it’s probably screaming and even if you don’t know what to do with it, just being aware of it and turning into it rather than away from it is enough. It won’t kill you! It might kill you if you try to avoid it or numb yourself form it though. At least a part of your soul will feel dead to you. Its easy to project the pain to someone else, especially partners, so be gentle, take ownership and remember we are all mirrors, they’re mirroring you…uncomfortable I know!

As usual the key is compassion. Holding yourself gently and them too - everyone, now I think about it. Especially the children for reasons explained in my precious blog. if you still haven’t done your forgiving, to yourself for getting yourself in the mess of the trauma in the first place (again at a soulful level if not at a physical level), then also to everyone else involved. We’re all doing our best. And remember we can only work with our level of consciousness in any one moment and that changes. Maybe now, in this moment we’d make different choices if we had our time again.

For me it’s a super exciting time. The weather has settled, I love this calm winter weather. There’s Friday on Sark for the Christmas light turn on, Saturday to visits Sark dolmens and see my Sark soul friend, with the boys and my dad too, then back to Guernsey for the full moon, woo hoo, and then a solstice yoni yoga class on Sunday (still some places available if you’d like to join me, see the website events section, women only I’m afraid:-)) followed by Kirtan with Katie, then Monday and Tuesday outdoor fun with the boys and the SOLSTICE. I LOVE the winter solstice, only sad I can’t be in Stonehenge this year.

There’s much to celebrate! Life generally is worth celebrating. It’s been a tough time but the lights coming again and we can take comfort in that. Oh and personally, I am only delighted that the Family Yoga Book is days away from being available on Amazon and my online Reiki Level One attunement course is now LIVE…woo hoo, see, lots of seeds finally sprouting…

Love Emma x

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