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A Yoga Class to Celebrate the Spring Equinox

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At the Spring Equinox everything in nature is coming alive and awakening. The sun is gaining strength; the days are longer and warmer.  Everywhere there is evidence of life’s ability to regenerate.

It’s a time to celebrate the union of the beautiful spring maiden, with the young ardent male. Their union makes all of nature fertile. Here we can make contact with their archetypical energy within ourselves, no matter what our age or gender. Many women are now seeking to balance their male and female sides within themselves and are looking for the same balance in men. The ardent young man, who is non-aggressive, in touch with his instincts and can show his feelings, is a precious imagine to hold.

This is time to balance these energies within ourselves regardless of gender. Furthermore, we can consciously make new things fertile by what we choose to bring together, by what we give our energy and attention to – the dreams we choose to manifest!

Join me at the Equinox, for a balancing yoga class, ‘not too tight, not too loose’, as we link breath with movement, and bring our whole selves back into balance, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In this way we’ll more easily hear our inner voice, trust in the support of Mother Earth and turn our dreams into reality. We’ll finish with a guided relaxation. Please bring a mat and a blanket.

All welcome

Where: St Martin’s Community Centre (upstairs)

When: Monday 19th March 2018 (on the Eve of the Equinox)

What time: 6.15-7.30pm

How much: £11 drop-in or £45 for 5 tokens in advance, £6 for students.

What to bring: Yoga mat and a blanket.