Happy New Year!

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Hello, lovely people! I hope you are all well and enjoyed Christmas day with all that sunlight, like a gift from the heavens!

Now, as I sit here writing this on the new moon solar eclipse, the sun keeps disappearing as the rain pours down again. Still, the energy is very clear, and I feel positive for the future as we build up to the end of this decade and a new one soon beginning.

Like the Queen said, this year has been decidedly bumpy as we have been encouraged to let go of anything outdated and inauthentic, healing trauma and anything else that we have been unnecessarily holding on to, and (re)aligning ourselves more fully with our truth. For me it has been a year of studying and learning, embracing Ayurveda and the Scaravelli-approach to yoga, which has turned life on its head, and helped me to acknowledge what has needed to change.

This has been a challenging process at times - looking at ourselves honestly is never easy, nor is knowing how we might make the changes that need to be made. Still, once we take the first step, the universe conspires to do what it can to help us. I am reminded time and time again that it is only by shifting our inner world, that our outer world will change. I think too of Dr Usui’s teachings, 'that it is by mastering the mysteries of self that we learn to affect the mysteries of life’. So true! 

At Beinspired it has been a busy year, with a couple of retreats to Glastonbury and Sark, the annual retreat to Herm and the one to Goa too; the boys have done a lot of travelling! We’re letting go of the Goa retreat for now, and we are still waiting to hear if we’ll be returning to Herm…however, don’t despair as places for the September Glastonbury retreat and the October Sark retreat go on sale at the beginning of February so look out for that!

We’ve let go of our weekend yoga classes for now too. Vicki is taking a break from the Sunday morning class, and I shall be enjoying some time with the family when I’m not running a retreat, workshop or Reiki attunement session.

We have a number of places still available for the Yoga Pause on Saturday 18 January.
This is ideal for those of you who would like to deepen your practice and enjoy a whole morning of uninterrupted yoga - a treat, and a much needed pause in our busy lives…sometimes a pause is all that is needed to shift the perspective more positively. I’m excited about this. Please sign up here

There are also some spaces available on the Yoni Yoga session, one of my favourite sessions of the year which you can sign up for here

The Reiki courses are such a treat, Reiki (and yoga) saved my life and I absolutely love sharing it with others and witnessing how it positively touches lives - the more people practicing Reiki, the best for the planet! There’s two spaces remaining on the Reiki Level Two course on 8 February 2020 and 1 space left on the Reiki Level One course on 1 March. I’m intending to run further courses later in the year so keep an eye out for those. We’re taking deposits for these courses (another lesson learned) and we hope this helps people to commit.

There is something new in 2020 for those of you Reiki Level Two attuned - I am now ready to offer Reiki Master attunements! This will be conducted on a one-to-one basis, with certain criteria met before I am prepared to do this. A big thing for me at the moment is the loss of sacredness in yoga and Ayurveda and I am starting to see this filter into Reiki too. Just to stress that I am not prepared to attune anyone to Master level who is not doing it for the right reasons, it is a calling, not for a title or business. Please find out more here.

The other exciting development for 2020 - we’re giving away our 6-week anxiety video pack for free! We’re aware how many of you suffer with anxiety and we are hopeful that this may help. To access this, click here. Please do give us your feedback. We’re not intending to do any more videos for now, that’s another thing we’ve let go of this year, time for new projects ahead!

We’re still working on our Family Yoga Book, which we hope to finish this year! Steph has now moved onto new pastures and we are lucky that her younger sister, Katie, has taken being my most wonderful helper, and we are all three, keen to see this book come to fruition finally! 

I’m also still editing my third manuscript, and would like to think I might get a chance to finish this too, but lets’s see! My time is limited as the children are my priority and with Eben starting pre-school, I expect I’ll be cycling to drop-off and pick-ups even more than I am already! 

However, if I do find some time, I will also be offering Ayurvedic consolations and Yoga Therapy sessions, which combine Yoga and Reiki on a one-to-one basis, which is a really healing combination. You can find out more by clicking on the links above.

Ah, the other big news (I almost forgot!) is that I have a card reader! Woo hoo! On the basis that it works then this can be used to pay for yoga classes, drop-in or blocks of tokens, and also for Ayurvedic and Yoga therapy sessions. I won’t be using it for Reiki attunement sessions or retreats for now.

For me personally 2020 is about doing what I can to restore the sacred, and to embrace the home. I’m excited that after a 9-year absence, E and I are returning to Nepal with the children in March. This has been a dream since before they were even conceived, I’m sure it’ll be a very different experience to our previous trips. This is a home-coming as much as anything else, as I always considered Nepal my second home, but also an opportunity to truly tap into the sacred which permeates this beautiful part of the world. 

I’m very much looking forward to seeing my Nepali friends again, and will miss Devika who is now living with her family in the US. I am also looking forward to visiting the Namaste Children’s Home, which is very close to my heart. I’m hoping to scout a place for a potential yoga retreat, but I’m very aware that this might be a step too far with the children being the age they are - we’ll see!

I’m also headed to Stonehenge for the summer solstice this year and am keen to explore the sacredness of the Guernsey landscape, which is rich in energetic hotspots. Sacred spaces are a big thing for me and I am giving some thought to this...watch this space!

This just leaves me to wish you all a new year that brings great pease, wisdom, and choices that enrich your life, other’s lives, and the healing of the world!

Love Emma and the lovely team at Beinspired.