The sun did shine!

Well one night this week I actually saw a rather magnificent sunset. We live behind a water filled quarry, which provides hours of entertainment as it is home to many sea gulls and the training ground for our resident kestrels.  It also offers a lovely water feature and reflection point for the sunset.  It is rather a novelty this summer, to actually get to witness the sun, let alone it setting at night!!

We even managed a trip to the beach yesterday.  We have friends staying from Scotland with their young children so this rubbish wet weather has been a touch testing.  Still after a wonderful high tide swim in the sea at Petit Bot yesterday morning - three kestrels playing on the cliffs over head - we were able to spend a few hours making sand castles and enjoying a little bit of sunshine.  Hoorah!  Sadly no such luck this morning, yet more cloud.

I was reading an article the other day that said the weather was quite similar in the mid 1960s where they had a run of bad summers.  Interesting, because in spiritual terms, there is talk of this year being reminiscent of the 1960s and the raising of consciousness - lots of people doing lots of drugs and that whole "revolution" thing as society "woke up" and demanded change.  Well here we are again, not revolution, but evolution as we are being forced to wake up again.  It is like we have been sleeping through the years of decadence, living on debt and thinking we could get away with it - the promised world, full of materialism and wealth.  We bought into the illusion.

Now we have started to see through the illusion.  The IOU needs to be repaid, and sadly one generation is going to have to make up for the over expense of the older generation.  Time for change.  More is less.  The world is not going to go back to how it has been.  We are waking up again.  According to some spiritual boffs, people are being called to "wake up" quicker than may have happened previously.  So the world as a whole increases in positive vibration.  Peace, we want peace.  We want to start treating our planet with a bit more respect.  And perhaps now we are finally realising that this all starts with our own actions, time to start taking some responsibility.

I read this wonderful "lesson in mindfulness" by Jon Kabat-Zinn the other day:-

"Practice Make Perfect

Every time we get angry, we get better at being angry and reinforce the anger habit.  When it is really bad, we say we see red, which means we don't see accurately what is happening at all, and so, in that moment, you could say we have "lost" our mind.  Every time we become self absorbed, we get better at becoming self-absorbed and going unconscious.  Every time we get anxious, we get better at being anxious.  Practice does make perfect".

This illustrates the importance to me of positive practice.  A regular Yoga practice, not viewing Yoga as simply something to do for exercise, but seeing it as so much more than that, in its entirety, in the gifts it offers us in transforming our negative emotions and behaviour patterns into positive ways of being, so that we may change our vibration and do our bit to change the vibration of the world as a whole.

I have much hope for this year, 2012 is significant in so many ways.  Even if it is simply a case of learning to appreciate the sun when it shines and not getting attached to the concept of a summer!!

With love and in peace.

Ross DespresComment