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Restorative Yoga Workshop with Jo

Restore, relax and re-energize with Jo

Dive deep into a truly relaxing and nourishing yoga experience - 2 hours of yoga postures using various props to activate the rest and digest response in the body.

This can be powerfully healing because of its soothing effects on the nervous system which in turn reduces the production of disease forming stress hormones.

Suitable for all levels, and particularly ideal for individuals wanting to ease pain or reduce stress.  

Please avoid eating at least 1-2 hours before the session and wear warm & comfortable clothing.

Feel free to bring your own items from home (such as pillow, cushion, blanket, eye pillow) - larger yoga props are provided at the class.

WHEN: Sunday 30th April, 3 - 5pm
WHERE: St Martins Community Centre
BRING: Yoga mat, cushion/blanket, eye pillow. Other yoga props are provided.
COST: £25 per person. Payment is to be made preferably by bank transfer to Jo (or cash at the start of the session if necessary). Please book by clicking below.