It's time to step up and blossom!

Wow that was some eclipse, asking us to go deeper to the wounded healer and clear really old trauma so that we can begin anew, not having our current reality affected by what has happened previously and to let go therefore of those old and unhelpful thinking and behaviour patterns, especially around fear of safety and lack of trust, let alone around vulnerability, conditional love and self-criticism.

These are powerful times with the moon doing its 18.6 year swing, to the lunar major standstill in early 2025. We can expect to feel increasingly drawn to heal, and to go deeper inside ourselves, so that we can evolve spiritually.

This is a brilliant time to immerse in spiritual practice, yoga, Reiki and Ayurveda can help enormously and I am eternally grateful to all of these practices for helping me to see deeper into the shadows yesterday and clear really old trauma from this and past lives, so that today does really feel like a new beginning, a new way of seeing and relating and indeed being.

The wind is interesting too, as if it is blowing away the cobwebs to set us further free.

I am excited for the future and for more of you stepping up to embrace this wave of healing energy washing over the planet. Those of you debating going into practice but struggling with confidence - it is time to elevate the awareness and see the bigger picture, that you are merely a channel and conduit for others to benefit - if people had not found the courage to step up before you, then you might not have benefited from their healing offerings, so now it is time for you too to step up, get out of your own way and spread your love and indeed light into they world so the whole planet can benefit.

We have to remember that we are part of something much bigger than our little selves. To stay stuck through lack of self belief and confidence serves no one, and so we need to find the courage and strength to take that step into the big unknown, knowing that we are protected an help by powers that be, that we have guardian angels, spirits guides, Reiki guides and ancestors supporting us - think of them like your own cheer leading team, cheering you on in the background, asking you to play your role to help heal where healing is needed - and remembering that there is more than enough to go around, the universe knows only abundance and the more we open ourselves up to share, the more people will open to receiving from us and from others in the process.

It is part of my dream to spread Reiki into this world so that more can benefit from this incredible energy. Reiki positively changes things, it opens our hearts to unconditional love and there is nothing more amazing than feeling this flooding into our heart when we have let go of more of our protection and armour that kept us limited in conditional love - especially in our relationship with ourselves.

We never truly realise our potential until we realise it. Both yoga and Reiki are practices which ultimately lead to our greater freedom, to a state of pure consciousness, a state of complete and unconditional love. It is only when we heal and let go of whatever is in the way that we then experience a new wave of this lighter energy coming in and it is the best feeling in the world, absolutely worth going through the trickiness and uncomfortableness of the healing work,. which asks us to sometimes feel that which we are pushing and repressing into the shadows because it hurts.

The trouble is, the shadow keeps driving our decisions, at least sub consciously, so unless we get to them root, we will keep creating more of what we don’t want, we will stay stuck and small, giving ourselves a hard time, and never really experiencing the feeling of utter joy and bliss that accompanies spiritual evolution.

There was a time when this whole planet was bathed in love. Nature knows only love. The ancients knew only love. But over time, and with patriarchy coming in with its idea of sin and badness, control and power, we lost our way and we still suffer from this hang over with deep feelings of shame and guilt, as if joy and bliss are somehow bad, and we are bad for experiencing both, because we have signed and our constantly having to pay the penance.

It is time to break free from this unhelpful conditioning which runs deep in the very fabric of our society. It is time to take our power back, to learn to love and accept ourselves and others just as they are and to open to deeper aspects of ourselves that we have kept hidden, so that we can let go of those other heavier emotions that keep us controllable and stuck.

We are here to become fully aware, fully conscious, and the universe and indeed nature is helping us. Both know only love. This is why being out in nature has such a positive effect on us, because we are bathed in love. We can experience more of this, not only by spending increasing time in nature and being outside, but by embracing more of our own nature beyond the wounded patterns we have taken on since birth and indeed previous lifetimes, let alone the trauma that has fed through our DNA from our ancestors.

We have a choice though and now is the time to change things, not just for ourselves, but for the generations yet to come, so again elevating the perspective beyond our small selves. It is time to be impeccable as the sorcerers taught, to notice where we waste energy and to contain it for the deeper work. We cannot evolve if we are spread too thin, if our energy is dissipated on pointless activities and draining people. This is a time to tighten boundaries, put yourself first and say “no” in the process.

Also, to pay attention to where we are self important, because self importance means that we have something to defend and that is exhausting energetically too. Self importance shows up in so many ways and it is always easier to see it inn others than ourselves. However whatever we seem and criticise in others if often what we most need to look at in our own lives, because people are mirrors, shining back to us our shadows, the bits we don’t want to look at in ourselves.

Entitlement is deadly for this planet, just look how it plays out with al the billionaires and how that is changing the shape of this planet, quite literally, not just society but our relationship to nature and the way we treat the planet with such little respect because of the obsession with power and money and how we individually feed into that because of our neurosis around not having enough, or repetitional risk of not keeping up, or worrying about how others perceive us, or judge us, which causes us to live according to that, rather than how we actually feel on the inside - so any lives are shaped by our fears of being judged or criticised by others, worrying more about what they think of us, than we do at times about our own heart and soul.

It can be so subtle how our lives are shaped by our thoughts and feelings, forgetting that we are neither. These are lower chakra trappings, at some point we have to move up, we have to elevate then perspective deep into the heart and stop relating to ourselves solely through thoughts and feelings. They might help, but they are not us, not our true being.

I love this quote from Dr Edith Agar, “I reminded myself that I was there to share the most important truth I know, that the biggest prison is in your own mind, and in your pocket you already hold the key: the willingness to take absolute responsibility for your life; the willingness to risk; the willingness to release yourself from judgment and reclaim your innocence, accepting and loving yourself for you who really are - human, imperfect, and whole”

This is time to take responsibility, to notice where you are blaming others and making yourself a victim. the world needs more people taking responsibility and less people playing the victim. This is responsibility for you, not for others. You can’t do it for others, we cannot change others, only ourselves. It is incredible how much we burden ourselves though with other people’s issues and don’t allow them then o stand on their own two feet and find their own way. This is about you, no one else, you arrive into this world on your own and you will leave on your own, it is your journey.

For those feeling stuck, book a spiritual life coaching session or Reiki and we can go deeper, see what is catching and getting in your way so that you too can stand more full in your centre and indeed power and help to share your gifts on this planet.

Have a happy wax, the eclipse will keep rumbling its effect and indeed gifts into our world over the next few weeks. Eclipses have a habit of changing things, of bringing in more of our farm and indeed fate, so pay attention and prepare to transform.

Love Emma x

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