It's all about vibration!

“A definition of a "healer" is someone who was sick and got well, and a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly. “Richard Gordon

Did you know that per the law of nature everything has a vibration? Perhaps you remember this from science lessons, the everything is made up of atoms and that these atoms are in a constant state of motion, and depending on the speed of these atoms, things appear either solid, liquid or gas, or they don’t appear at all.

For example, sound is a vibration and so are thoughts - we can’t see them but it doesn’t stop them being very real. Everything which manifests in your life is there because it matches the vibration of your thoughts. Yes, just reflect on that one for a minute - everything that manifests in your life is there because it matches the vibration of your thoughts.

Furthermore, everything in the universe is in motion, whatever its form. All things therefore move, vibrate and travel in circular patterns - life is absolutely not linear, even though our mind has been conditioned to see the world from a linear perspective. I blame patriarchy for that, shifting the lens of the mind through which we view the world, so that we have forgotten that everything is actually circular; day to night and day to night again, of seasons, winter to spring to summer to autumn and back to winter again, the moon from full to new and back to new again, and women, menstruation to ovulation and back again.

Furthermore, everything which exists, is identical by its own unique vibrational frequency. And incidentally vibration is defined by us humans in numbers of periodic oscillations, vibrations or waves per unit of time. This means that there is no solidity in the universe, nothing to really cling onto to make known and certain. This because a form that appears solid is actually created by an underlying vibration and by umm, our thoughts. We create our reality by the thoughts we think - now isn’t that a bit interesting, specially when you think how our collective thinking creates our collective reality.

And this is the reason it is so important to pay attention to our thoughts and not allow our thoughts to run reign. We are not our thoughts, but we allow our thoughts to create our reality. Reflect back to the pandemic for a moment and recall government’s fear based response to the virus, which led to our fearful thoughts emerging, which collectively resulted in a huge wave of fear gripping the planet, and from which we are only now being released, as increasing numbers of people let go of their fear…You start to realise how important it is to keep your thoughts positive, and not to be affected and swayed by the mainstream.

Life is a bit like a game of boomerangs, whatever you send out comes back again. It’s as if all of us are linked by some mysterious magnetic force and what you send out in word or thought against another, has a vibration attached to it, that comes back to you. This is the law of karma. For those operating solely on the mental plane the comeback can take longer than someone who is developed spiritually, in which case it comes back much quicker. For example if you hate, fear or resent a situation, you have kind of fastened it to yourself, for you attract what you hate, fear or resent. This is all vibrational of course.

What I especially love is that vibrations express themselves in corresponding geometrical shapes and in this way build up crystals that are the expression of vibration. Thus crystals collectively form a body of an element according to its particular vibration - and this vibration, when placed on or beside us, affects our vibration too. Many of you know this for yourself, having been drawn to a particular crystal, which you then bring into your life and witness the change it brings in helping with your healing, releasing and energising. Crystals and their vibrational frequency really do have an impact on our vibrational frequency!

Furthermore, think about snowflakes, and the faces of flowers, and how they take on these shapes before they are responding to the same sound in nature. To put it all another way, crystals, plants, trees, flowers and even us human beings are simply music that has taken on a visible form. Mad huh!

What is especially exciting about all this, is that hoorah, we have agreement in the world of science, medicine and metaphysics that certain frequencies can not only repel disease but actually destroy it. And this is what I really wanted to share with you, to help explain why spiritual and healing practices like yoga and Reiki and Ayurveda really help to support our health and wellbeing.

This because there is without doubt a link between frequency (vibration) and health. Underlying these modalities is the understanding that we are energy and that when energy is stuck it can leads to disease and it is by getting to the energy body that we help to heal and free the stuck energy so that the disease or dis-ease can be healed, it literally disappears. Many of you have experienced that for yourself with me and certainly my life has been punctuated by times of healing, whether that be ovarian cysts, PMS, depression, shoulder pain, knee concerns, all of these have bene healed by working vibrationally, incorporating yoga, Reiki and Ayurveda.

Those of you who have attended my Reiki attunement courses will know that I am especially passionate about the vibrational shift that occurs when you become attuned to Reiki. Your vibration increases quite quickly and this has a positive knock on effect on everyone else around you as your presence literally raises their vibration - and this explains why some people are drawn to you and you are drawn to others too, sometimes we just pick up their vibration and it either feels good which makes you want more of it, or bad, which in theory should make you turn away from it.

The problems arise when you might persist in going into environments and situations and spending time with people who do not resonate as well as you might do, leaving you feeling exhausted and drained. This accounts for the reason that after becoming attuned to Reiki, or taking further attunements, or indeed practising yoga and Ayurveda, that you sometimes feel to step away from certain situations, environments and people and energy vampires drop away. Of course this can be uncomfortable, but once you have created some space, then new situations, environments and people who resonate with you will come in instead.

Basically put, everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. In fact quantum physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating strings of energy! Furthermore, scientific research has validated (hoorah for that) that different parts of our bodies have their own vibration, their own sonic signature then. This means that the sound of the cells in your heart differ from the sound of the cells of your stomach, for example.

This also means that when parts of your body become stressed or dis-eased they are no longer producing the ‘correct’ sound wave, the vibration is lower than it should be - they are not vibrating at their optimal and therefore best resonant frequency. To recalibrate or re-establish your frequency, you need to understand how lower and higher vibrations affect your energy and your health and wellbeing, this on all levels of being.

Our modern society literally bombards us with a ton of electromagnetic energy, which kind of gets in the way of our ability to tune into earth energy, which is universally healing by its very nature. It is the energy of love essentially. I have a very clear sense that at the time the neolithic stones were built, all was love - the planet knew only love, this a magical world where we as humans also saw beyond our 3D reality, where we knew only love too, where we lived in unity with all other sentient beings and were literally able to communicate with the earth, the sun and the moon, for example.

It is still possible, but much more challenging than it has ever been, simply because of all the interference from all the ‘technological advances’ including WIFI and phones, let alone all the electricity, transport and busyness of our modern day living. Studies have shown that people who leave big and noisy cities and move out to the country experience significant health improvements. Furthermore people who are ‘in contact’ with the earth through outdoor activities such as surfing, climbing, trekking etc, or who garden or consume a natural diet of wholefoods are believed to be far healthier than those who don’t.

This is because being in nature, of which we are a part, positively changes our vibration. You have probably had the experience yourself of spending time on the cliffs or beach, or in a forest or woods, a place that is humming with life, calms and heals you on all levels of being you feel better for your time spent being outside, surrounded by the natural vibrations of nature, of connecting to earth energies.

This is because the earth itself hums at a specific frequency, well below what we can hear as human beings, called the Schumann frequency or Schumann resonance. We reference this in Reiki, because scientific studies show that when people practice Reiki, not only do the brain wave patterns of practitioner and clients become synchronised in the alpha state, characteristic of deep relaxation and meditation, but they pulse in unison with the earth’s magnetic field - the Schuman Resonance. During these moments, the biomagnetic field of the practitioner’s hands is at least 1,000 times greater than normal and not as a result of internal body current.

So you see we are all vibration and everything living on this planet is also vibration, and once we understand this, and live with this premise in mind, then we can take action to positively shift our vibration, especially if we are unwell. Thus the foods we eat and the liquids we drink have a very real affect on us. The same can be said of our environment.

Remembering that the highest vibration is love, this means that whole foods grown with love and food made from these whole foods with love are not only going to taste nicer, but are also going to have a much more positive effect on our vibration and therefore our general health and wellbeing, than eating foods which are neither grown or produced with love nor made with love.

I am very conscious that foods made in a factory, even if they are organic, say organic humous, are not going to have the same vibration as humous made at home with your own loving hands and heart. Furthermore, foods cooked by angry and disgruntled chefs, or zapped in a microwave, or covered in a pile of cheap oil, are not going to have a positive effect on your vibration or your energy field, and you may end up with indigestion as you ingest and try to digest not only the food stuff but the disgruntled and angry energy of the chef.

This goes further. I remember reading about this when I first began my yoga and Reiki journey, how we take on the energy of any being that we kill to eat. So, for example, if the animal is in a state of fear when killed, because of being transported to an abattoir or just not treated very well, then you are imbuing that energy when you eat the dead animals - or fish or whatever it is.

Environments are no different as they can sometimes contain detrimental energy from underground streams or negative energy arising from trapped entities, unhappy spirits, detrimental energies from other dimensions, objects in the house/building, us as human beings, or from underground streams, or other natural forces of the Earth, or Hartmann and Curry grid lines, or from electrical wires and electronic equipment. All of this can negatively impact the vibration of the environment which will negatively impact us. This is why it is really important to clear these detrimental energies otherwise we can end up repeatedly sick, just from our living and working environments.

The trouble is this all sounds a little bit too ‘out there’ for many, but it is really so true. You know yourself that certain environments make you feel good and certain environments don’t. It’s really very simple. Some environments fill you up with energy and others deplete you. This is the reason the space that I live and work in has always been really important to me - treating a client in a space with detrimental energy, is not only going to make it difficult for them to reset, but it is not going to do anything to support their healing process.

And this, lovely people, is why I am especially passionate about the positive effect of being in nature, of working in a space free of mobile telephones and WIFI (and the EMF they produce therefore), of practising Reiki, Yoga and Ayurveda daily, of Vedic chanting and speaking Sanskrit, a language which has a vibrational frequency to it, of drinking filtered water, of eating food that has been grown and made with love, and doing the deeper healing work to free stuck energy which is resonating at a lower frequency than it should so that I can try, try, try to keep my vibration high, cultivating greater love for self and others in the process.

There comes a point where we realise we have choice. We have choice about how we live, where we work, what we eat and drink, the company we keep, the places we visit. It can be uncomfortable, as sometimes we have to make decisions, take action, that might be uncomfortable in our dealings with others, but we have to take all this seriously - we have the opportunity to thrive, but we have to work out first what helps us and what hinders us in this and we need to take responsibility for not only the situations we find ourselves in, but the environments, the company and indeed our own thoughts patterns. More on that another time…

Happy Monday!

Love Emma x

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