The climate and separation urghhhhhhhhhhh!


Hi, I can’t believe how much the climate debate is creating so much fear and separation. Suddenly you’re a really bad person if you take a flight at the moment, especially if you’re a Guernsey deputy going for a day trip to discuss climate change! It would be funny if it wasn't so crazy!

The world is crazy at the moment though. Usually I’m all up for craziness, but this is a dark craziness, and as much as I like to stay positive and trust that the light follows the dark, I wonder how much darker we have to get first (but maybe this is all OK as it’ll bring in a while heap of light, let’s hope so).

It just seems so crazy to be judging each other for our actions in this moment when it’s actions of old that have created our current reality, and really, we are all as much to blame as each other, if we’re going to play this blame game. We each continue to contribute in some way or form to the planet being in the state it is in, whether it’s been about our choices for travel, for food, for clothes or the thoughts we think and the words that come out of our mouth.

All that is happening, as a result of the mass fear and hysteria, stirred up by the media as usual, is to create greater separation. The planet does not need separation. Humanity does not need separation. I’m sitting here listening to Coldplay’s latest album (which is genius btw, I applaud them for their recognition of the oneness that is so needed and so lacking at the moment in these confusing and chaotic times) and these lyrics catch me…

“What in the world are we going to do?
Look at what everybody's going through
What kind of world do you want it to be?
Am I the future or the history?

'Cause everyone hurts, everyone cries
Everyone tells each other all kinds of lies
Everyone falls, everybody dreams and doubts
Got to keep dancing when the lights go out

How in the world I am going to see?
You as my brother, not my enemy”

I suspect we’ve all had those moments, those glimpses, whether the birth of a child or the death of a loved one, when time stands still, life tis timeless and all that exists is love and an overwhelming sense oneness. Just the briefest of glimpses into the very heart of the universe, where nothing else matters and there is an overwhelming sense of everything being OK, the ultimate surrender to all that is, and then as soon as it happens, it’s over and the clock ticks and here we are again, in the 3-D world full of fear and limitation.

But we know this, deep down, we know this. What I loved so much about Coldplay’s recent album is the fact they shared this most beautiful Persian poem, that I read on the internet was written by Saadi Shirazi (but don’t quote me on that!) and here it is (if I can get it to upload…) 


We knew all this so long ago and look at us now, where has progress taken us…pretty far away from the Divine and the heart that’s for sure.

Even in the ‘heart’ holistic world, I see separation and judgement as people argue over crazy things like whether green tea is good for you, and the impact of eating a plant-based diet versus a meat one. let alone whether this form of yoga is better for you than that one. Who cares! The trouble is the holistic world has become big business and where there’s business there’s competition and there’s generally a fairly big amount of ego too.

I always think of David Attenborough and his life lesson he gave which went something along the lines of while they should live the way they wanted, the trick was “just don’t waste”.

That does it for me. Slightly challenging with a 3-year old who loves to waste everything, soap, shampoo, cleaner, whatever it is and he can get his hands on - he even cut through the cord of our blinds the other day too, so they now don’t work, wasted, but you know, we do our best! We’re not perfect, but no one is, that’s the thing that’s so crazy about this whole climatic change shaming thing.

There’s another element to David’s perspective that struck me. It was something I was taught by one of my mentor’s – live your truth and don’t worry what everyone else is doing…if green tea makes you feel good drink it, if not, don’t, who cares what anyone else thinks on the matter, we’re all different and we all have our own different experiences and perspectives.

So there we go. Aside from wanting to share how marvellous I think Coldplay’s new album is (I have track 3 on repeat,), I just wanted to vent a little about how crazy we have become to judge each other on our climatic short comings (and holistic offerings) to share the love. Love, love, love, love, love. We should shower ourselves in rose quartz. Oh yes, I did! Rose quartz, love, love, Rose quartz, and a sprinkling of Reiki. Let’s create a new craziness that is based on a whole heap of love. From me to you. Love xxx


Rants!Emma DespresComment