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Yoni Yoga for Beltane

The word Beltane comes from Old Irish meaning ‘bright fire’ and marks the transition between spring and summer. It is a celebration of the fertility and rampant potency of life force, when earth energies are at their strongest and most active and there is greater union between earth and sky and the merging of the self with the Self (the sacred marriage). This is a powerful time for union and for bringing dreams into reality; creating a new and greater aligned world in the process.

It’s a very real energy, and Emma has learned for herself the increased potency and potential for greater union on all levels of being both within one’s self and with others too at Beltane. It is entirely possible to access this energy and yoni yoga lends itself beautifully as the energy can absolutely be felt in yoni, for this is where our own potency and fertility, creative potential and life force is found within us. Creating a connection with the heart, then we are gifted the opportunity for greater connection to higher self (soul) and to our inner goddess nature.

Together we will join in a semi-circle in celebration of this incredible time of year, and the practice will weave together various Tantric yogic techniques including asana (postures),  pranayama (breathing exercises), mudra (gestures), yantra (visualisation), mantra (sound) and a guided relaxation. 

You are invited to bring an offering for the goddess altar as an offering to the goddess within yourself essentially. Oracle cards will be available too.

This gentle and accessible session is suitable for all ladies regardless of stage of life or experience of yoga.

Where: St Martin’s Community Centre

When: Tuesday 2 May 2023

Time: 6-7pm

What to bring: A yoga mat, at least one blanket and any cushions required 

Cost: £12 per student. Payment to be made on the day in cash or by bank transfer to:
Sort code: 20-35-32
Account number: 73230457
Name: E C Despres

How to book: Please click here or the button below to book your space.

Maximum 21 people.

Earlier Event: 2 May
Yoni Yoga (Drop-in)
Later Event: 3 May
Wednesday Hatha Yoga (Drop-in)