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Yoni Yoga for the winter solstice (yule)

At Yule a wonderful thing happens; the sun stops its decline and for a few days it rises in the same place and doesn’t go any further south. This is known as a standstill and is a crucial time, the cusp between events, like the depth of the exhalation, will the light keep its promise and return, will the breath come again?

As the outer world is darkened by the shorter days so our inner realm can expand into this place of not knowing and yet knowing. Like the dark night of the moon and the moment before our own cycle begins again, there is much to be gained if we can retreat and settle into this dark and potent space, of wisdom, insight and intuition.

Please join us to celebrate this auspicious time - so auspicious that many of the dolmens in Carnac and even here on Guernsey are aligned with the winter solstice sunrise - a momental point in the turning of the wheel, soon the light will return again. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect more fully with our own inner light at what can often be a social, busy and chaotic time of year, when really all we want to do is retreat into ourselves and just be.

With a beautiful central altar dedicated to the Goddess, candles flickering, gentle music playing and Reiki filling the room, the session will weave together a combination of Tantric yoga practices including asana (postures), mudras (gestures), breath awareness (in various ways), mantra (sound) and Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation). Oracle cards will be available.

WHEN: Friday 22 December 2023

WHERE: St Martin’s Community Centre (room opposite the office)

COST: £12 per student

BRING: A yoga mat, blankets and cushions for the relaxation.

WHO CAN ATTEND: All women, no prior experience necessary

Earlier Event: 22 December
Friday Tantra Yoga (Drop-in)
Later Event: 3 January
Wednesday Hatha Yoga