Depression can make everything feel very dark and heavy. Whether it be a mild low mood you’re experiencing, or a challenging long-term battle with depression, there are small things you can do to feel that little bit lighter.

We offer these suggestions for depression based on our own experience and understanding, but what works for one person doesn’t always work for the next. So please always work with your own intuition, keep checking in and doing what feels right for you on your path to better health.

Yoga poses

Breathing & Relaxation

Ujjayi breath
Brahmari breath
Savasana - relaxation


Aromatherapy Oils

Bach Floral Remedy
Rescue Remedy

Chakra balancing

Depression can be a sign of an imbalanced chakra system in general but indicates an issue with the root and solar plexus chakras in particular.

Click to find out more about the chakras and how you can work towards balancing them.


‘You Can Heal Your Life’ - Louise Hay
’Reasons to Stay Alive’ - Matt Haig
’Eat Pray Love’ - Elizabeth Gilbert

Audios & Videos

Yoga for Depression - watch here
Restorative Yoga Sequence - watch here
Pick Me Up Yoga
- watch here
Balancing Yoga Practice - watch here
Energising Yoga Practice - watch here

All of our Yoga Nidra audios
Chakra Balancing Relaxation
Guided Meditation on the Breath
Inner Harmony and Healing

click here to listen to audios


Smokey Quartz
Rose Quartz
Red Jasper
Tiger’s Eye


“I am worthy”
”I am enough”
”I deserve endless happiness”
”I am brave and strong”
”I’m not my depression and my depression is not me”
”I embrace all of my human emotions”
”I am taking control of my own mind”
”I bring inner peace to myself”
”I am whole, happy and inspired”

Other things to try

Journaling – to journal about your heart’s desires.
Positive thinking
Follow a grounding exercise
Get out in nature, lay on the earth, hug a tree, swim in the sea, get your feet in the soil.
Avoid stimulants and adopt a Sattvic diet
Practice gratitude
Make sure you allocate time to do the things you love
Meditate on your desires and intentions.
Enjoy more energy