We offer these cold-relieving suggestions based on our own experience and understanding, but what works for one person doesn’t always work for the next. So please always work with your own intuition, keep checking in and doing what feels right for you on your path to better health.

Yoga poses


Breathing & Relaxation

Breathing through the nose can be difficult with a cold, so relaxations will be better. Yoga Nidra or one of our relaxation audios will be good, anything that encourages rest and allows healing.



Aromatherapy Oils
Lavender – relaxation
Eucalyptus – to clear sinus 
- add to bath water, an oil burner or put on a tissue and inhale -

Bach Floral Rescue Remedy
Aconite Homeopathic Remedy


Chakra balancing

A cold can be a sign of imbalanced chakras generally, but especially the heart and solar plexus, resulting in lowered immune function.

Click here to find out more about the chakras and how you can work towards balancing them.



‘The Optimum Nutrition Bible- Patrick Holford
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay


Audios & Videos

Restorative Yoga Sequence - watch here

Yoga Nidra: Chakra Balancing
Yoga Nidra: Beach
Yoga Nidra: Inner Harmony & Healing
Relaxation to Relieve Stress
Chakra Balancing Relaxation
Yogic Sleep: A Guided Relaxation


click here to listen to audios



Rose quartz
Clear quartz



“I am healthy and well”
”I choose to listen to my body and take good care of myself”
”I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me.”
”I am balanced on all levels”


Other things to try

Vitamin C
Elderberry extract (amazing stuff!)
Rest – often a cold comes to encourage us to stop, rest and reflect
Lots of water (warm is best)
Avoid mucus forming foods such as dairy products
Avoid sugar as this feeds the cold virus
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
Good quality probiotic